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CMS further extends No Surprises Act dispute resolution deadlines

The departments of Health and Human Services, Labor and Treasury Dec. 15 reopened the federal independent dispute resolution portal to process all dispute types.

Chair File: Leadership Dialogue — Reflecting on What’s Next in Health Care with Joanne Conroy, M.D., of Dartmouth Health

On this episode, John Haupert, 2023 AHA board chair, talks with Joanne Conroy, M.D., CEO and president of Dartmouth Health and the incoming AHA chair. They reflect on challenges, opportunities and advancements in health care during the past year and discuss what’s ahead for next year.

CMS reopens No Surprises Act dispute resolution portal to all disputes

The departments of Health and Human Services, Labor and the Treasury Dec. 15 reopened the federal independent dispute resolution portal to process all dispute types, including previously initiated batched disputes, new batched disputes and new single disputes involving air ambulance services.

Hospitals and Caregivers Embody Holiday Spirit Each and Every Day of the Year

Despite significant and ongoing challenges this year, hospitals and health systems can be proud of the job they do each and every day to care for our families, our friends and our neighbors.

Senate companion to AHA-supported MACRA incentives bill introduced 

A bipartisan group of senators  Dec.

At Hill Briefing, AHA Calls for Reining in Drug Costs, Reducing Regulatory Burden

Congress and the administration should pursue actions, including addressing the high costs of prescription drugs and regulatory burden on providers, that will help reduce the cost of care without putting access at risk.

SUPPORT Act reauthorization bill passes in House, advances in Senate

The House Dec. 12 voted 386-37 to pass AHA-supported legislation (H.R. 4531) that would reauthorize key SUPPORT Act programs for patients with substance use disorder and permanently extend required Medicaid coverage for medication-assisted treatments.

Senate Finance Committee approves tax bill

The Senate Finance Committee last night voted 14-12 along party lines to approve the chairman’s mark of legislation to reform the tax code, which includes a provision to repeal enforcement of the Affordable Care Act’s mandate that most individuals have health insurance.

House passes bill with AHA-opposed site-neutral payment cut

The House Dec. 11 voted 320-71 to pass legislation (H.R. 5378) that would delay a Jan. 19 payment reduction to Medicaid disproportionate share hospitals for two years, but permanently reduce Medicare payments for drug administration services in off-campus hospital outpatient departments.

Revised Senate tax bill includes repeal of individual mandate

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-UT) last night released a revised version of tax reform legislation that includes a provision to repeal enforcement of the Affordable Care Act’s mandate that most individuals have health insurance.