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995 Results Found

AHA voices support for Future Advancement of Academic Nursing Act

AHA Feb. 15 reiterated its support for the Future Advancement of Academic Nursing Act, recently reintroduced by Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., and Rep. Lauren Underwood, D-Ill.

CMS proposes changes to requirements for accrediting organizations

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Feb. 8 released a proposed rule intended to strengthen oversight of organizations that accredit health care providers certified by the Medicare and Medicaid programs and prevent conflicts of interest.

AHA urges additional changes to improve No Surprises Act independent dispute resolution process

AHA Feb. 5 voiced support for many provisions in a proposed rule to improve how the No Surprises Act independent dispute resolution process functions, but said the departments of Health and Human Services, Labor and the Treasury still need to address several issues critical to the functionality of the IDR process.

AHA releases 2024 advocacy agenda

AHA Feb. 1 released its 2024 advocacy agenda, which details the association’s key priorities for Congress, the Administration, regulatory agencies and courts.

OCR issues FAQs on patient visitation rights

The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights Jan. 25 released guidance reminding hospitals, critical access hospitals and long-term care facilities of their obligation under Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services regulations to ensure that their visitation policies do not unlawfully discriminate based on religion or other protected bases under federal civil rights laws, including during a public health emergency.

Ways and Means Committee advances tax deal 

The House Ways and Means Committee Jan. 19 voted 40-3 to advance the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024.

The Health 202: AHA president explains why ‘site-neutral’ policies don’t work, hospital field’s advocacy priorities for 2024

In an interview Jan. 17 in the Washington Post’s Health 202 newsletter, AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack explains why ‘site-neutral’ Medicare proposals jeopardize access to hospital care for vulnerable populations, the need to delay impending cuts to Medicaid disproportionate share hospitals and other congressional priorities for the field.

HHS names chief competition officer for health care

Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra Jan. 8 appointed as chief competition officer Stacy Sanders, who currently oversees the department's implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act, long-term care initiatives, policies to promote health care competition and other Medicare work.compe

Coalition ad campaign urges Congress to reject Medicare cuts to hospitals

As the first of two deadlines to fund the federal government approaches Jan. 19, the Coalition to Protect America’s Health Care yesterday launched a television ad on network and cable news shows urging Congress to reject Medicare cuts to hospitals and health systems already pushed to the brink by broken supply chains, workforce shortages and high inflation.

Making Sure Lawmakers Hear Our Voice Today and Throughout This Election Year

As we welcome a new year, this is a good time to examine the health care landscape ahead as we work to ensure Congress fully appreciates how hospitals and health systems need its support to continue delivering high-quality patient care to their constituents and communities.