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2089 Results Found

Hospitals testify on proposals to support patients with rare diseases

The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health Feb. 29 held a hearing on legislative proposals to expand access to treatment for patients with rare diseases, which included two hospital witnesses.

CMS finalizes changes to Medicaid DSH calculation

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Feb. 20 finalized proposed changes to how states calculate the hospital-specific cap for Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospitals.

Making our Voice Heard and Leading the Way to Advance Health in America

It is important for us to continue to exercise the principles of democracy that Washington and the Founding Fathers fought so hard for and speak up, asking hard questions of candidates in this election year and evaluating their thinking on the issues that affect our field.

AHA blog: What CMS’ prior authorization final rule means for hospitals, patients

Andrea Preisler, AHA’s senior associate director of administrative simplification policy, explains why the recent final rule requiring Medicare Advantage, Medicaid and federally facilitated Marketplace plans to streamline their prior authorization processes should help reduce the burden on hospitals and clinicians and speed needed care for patients.

Prior Authorization Final Rule Will Improve Patient Access, Alleviate Hospital Administrative Burdens

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Jan. 17 finalized new regulations aimed at reforming the prior authorization process.

AHA podcast: Sparking Social Connection and Community With Indiana University Health

Two guests discuss a care network launched by Indiana University Health to spark social connection and community in light of the U.S. Surgeon General’s 2023 report declaring loneliness and social isolation an “epidemic” in American society.

FTC, HHS seek comment on generic drug shortages and competition

The Federal Trade Commission and Department of Health and Human Services Feb. 14 requested comments for 60 days on market concentration and contracting practices among group purchasing organizations and drug wholesalers to understand their potential impact on pricing and generic drug shortages.

Bills would reauthorize programs to support health care workers, pediatric emergency care

The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health Feb. 14 held a hearing on AHA-supported legislation to reauthorize through 2029 the Dr. Lorna Breen Health Care Provider Protection Act (H.R. 7153), which provides grants to help health care organizations offer behavioral health services for front-line health care workers.

CMS finalizes prior authorization rule; hospital event highlights need for rule 

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Jan. 17 released a final rule requiring Medicare Advantage, Medicaid and federally facilitated Marketplace plans to streamline their prior authorization processes. AHA has urged the agency to finalize the rule to alleviate provider burden and ensure timely access to care for patients. 

AHA, others urge Supreme Court to review challenge to HHS interpretation of DSH formula   

The AHA, joined by five other national associations representing hospitals, Feb. 2 urged the U.S. Supreme Court to review a case challenging how the Department of Health and Human Services applies Congress’ formula for calculating Disproportionate Share Hospital payments.