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85 Results Found


Circles of Influence

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The Year of the SHSMD Member

It has been a challenging year. But we know that you and your colleagues did great things during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Nurse Leaders Honoring Nurse Leaders

Recognize the previous generation of nurse leaders who helped you become the nurse you are today.

Ambassador Referral Directory

Thank you to the AONL members who participated in past AONL Ambassador Campaigns. The members listed in the directory helped strengthen the AONL membership.

2019 Terri McNorton SHSMD Rising Star Award Recipient

2019 Terri McNorton SHSMD Rising Star Award Recipient - Cristal Herrera Woodley

Outstanding Leadership and Service Award

  The Outstanding Leadership and Service Award recognizes the Immediate Past President, nominated by ASHHRA leadership. Our deep appreciation to the 2020 ASHHRA

AHA Dick Davidson NOVA Award Committee

2020 Committee Members Karen Wells (Chair) Past Chair

AHE Fellowship Program Eligibility

AHE Fellowship Program Eligibility Please read before submitting application and outline.

AHE Awards

Applications Available Shortly The AHE awards and recognition program acknowledges and elevates profess