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3881 Results Found

ASHE ICRA 2.0™ Toolkit

ASHE ICRA 2.0™ includes several improvements and clarifications to help in prevention planning for construction projects.

New Guidance on Humidity Levels in the Operating Room

New Guidance on Humidity Levels in the Operating Room

Trustees - Homepage

Strong, informed governance is vital in this rapidly changing health care landscape. This is your source for the latest resources, tools & education.

IFDHE - Institute for Diversity and Health Equity

Issue Landing Page
Institute for Diversity and Health Equity homepage. It is our vision to empower health organizations to provide equitable care for all persons. Our mission is to advance health care equity, diversity and inclusion.

Issue Brief: Building a Safe Workplace and Community - Violence Mitigation in a Culture of Safety

This issue brief, the third of four in the series, examines how hospitals’ violence mitigation efforts can fit effectively into an organization’s culture of safety strategy.

AONL Advocacy Center


Advocacy Academy


AHA Letter to Senate Subcommittee Leadership on Appropriations Priorities for FY 2025

AHA Senate letter regarding funding for health care programs for fiscal year (FY) 2025.

AHA Letter to House Subcommittee Leadership on Appropriations Priorities for FY 2025

AHA letter to the House leadership on funding for health care programs for fiscal year (FY) 2025.

Agencies Issue Advisory as Ransomware Group Accelerates Attacks on Health Care Sector

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Department of Health and Human Services, and Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center today released a joint cybersecurity advisory to provide information on Black Basta, a ransomware variant.