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36 Results Found

ASHRM Publications Bookstore

Explore ASHRM's comprehensive publications on risk management. Stay updated with the latest tools and procedures to reduce risk in health care. Preview textbooks and playbooks.

Publications & Resources

Enhance your risk management knowledge with ASHRM's publications and resources. Find solutions, concepts, and strategies from industry leaders. Start browsing now!

Health Care Risk Management Fundamentals

ASHRM foundational textbook covering the essentials of health care risk management, with chapters on patient safety, risk financing, the legal & regulatory environment, and more.

Patient Safety Risk Management Playbook

Gain the knowledge to promote an enterprise risk management program that enhances patient safety and demonstrates added value.

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Playbook

The Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Playbook gives organizations the concepts and strategies to avoid adverse events that could potentially cause harm to patients, families, employees, or others in the patient care setting.

Legal & Regulatory Playbook

The Legal and Regulatory Playbook breaks down legal concepts, specific regulations, and unfamiliar terminology for new and experienced health care risk professionals.

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Resources

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) provides a framework for achieving safe, reliable health care, and is a key ASHRM initiative in its mission to promote safe and trusted health care.

Journal Article: Violence in the Health Care Workplace and ERM Solutions

Earn 1 Continuing Education Credit with JHRM article "Violence in the Health Care Workplace and ERM Solutions."

Journal of Health Care Risk Management – Volume 40 | Number 2

Journal of Healthcare risk management features articles on research, trends and new developments in the field of health care risk management. The Q4 2020 issue of the Journal of Health Care Risk Management features articles on research, trends and new developments in the field.

Meet our Preferred Cybersecurity Providers | Cybersecurity | Center

Our cyber adversaries are agnostic and collaborative in their approach — they assist each other to develop and launch malware and ransomware attacks against health care.