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912 Results Found

AONL Board of Directors

2024 Board of Directors

ASHE Management Monographs

The ASHE monographs cover single topics in clinical/biomedical engineering, facility engineering, design and construction, and safety and security management.

Trustee Trends in 2024: New Twists to Familiar Challenges

This article from AHA’s Trustee Services speaks to the major trends we expect will affect hospital and health system trustees in 2024 and beyond.

AHA Executive Committee

January 25, 2024, AHA Executive Committee meeting.

AHA Strategic Alliances: Podcasts

This podcast brings attention to health inequities in Black and underserved communities through the lens of the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency and 2020-2021 flu season. Elisa Arespacochaga, vice president of AHA’s Physician Alliance, speaks with Andrea Custis, Urban League of Philadelphia president and CEO, on the challenges and opportunities presented by the current public health climate.

Cybersecurity In Health Care | AHA Affinity Forum

Join the AHA and Censinet for a 3-part series of interactive virtual panel discussions on key aspects of cybersecurity in health care.

Children's National trustee shares how board members at pediatric hospitals can improve outcomes for children

In the latest edition of AHA's Trustee Insights newsletter, Schonay Barnett-Jones, a trustee at Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C., and a member of the AHA Board of Trustees and Committee on Governance, shares how board members at pediatric hospitals can help improve the health and well-being for children they serve.

Professional Governance Models | Strengthening the Health Care Workforce

Strong leadership is essential for informing and supporting professional shared governance. Effective leaders use the structures of professional governance to build a culture of excellence, where interprofessional teams can exercise accountability for service delivery that advances patient outcomes.

Roles & Responsibilities of the VP of Philanthropy

Trustee Articles
The VP of Philanthropy’s overarching responsibility is to promote philanthropic investment by donor partners in the health care organization in order to advance the mission. However, the role encompasses far more. Together with the foundation board and health care CEO, this individual works with internal and external constituencies to build a culture of philanthropy that goes beyond transactional fundraising to build lasting, fruitful relationships rooted in a shared vision.