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47 Results Found


Seven in Seven: Digital Solutions for Perinatal Care

AHA’ explores ways 7 health care organizations are using a digital solution to improve access and delivery of perinatal care.

Improving Maternity Care for Indigenous Populations

In this conversation, Tina Pattara-Lau, M.D., maternal and child health consultant with the Indian Health Service Office of Clinical and Preventive Services, and Johnna Nynas, M.D. obstetrics and gynecology specialist at Sanford Bemidji Medical Center, explore common disparities and systemic barriers Indigenous people experience in pregnancy and postpartum.

Improving Maternal and Infant Services in Rural Iowa

Millions of women across the United States have no access to maternal health care, particularly in rural areas that lack obstetric services.

Restoring Maternal Mental Health

Joining Aisha Syeda, program manager at the AHA is Dr. Nirmaljit Dhami, the medical director of the inpatient perinatal psychiatry at El Camino Health; and Dr. Alpa Shah, director of the Perinatal Mental Health Clinic at Marshfield Clinic Health System.

The Role of Fathers in Maternal and Child Health

Men can have a significant influence in supporting women during their pregnancy, and can be essential allies in creating better outcomes for mother and child.

Innovating Virus Care for Pediatric Patients

Hospitals across the country have found innovative ways to increase their capacity, improve care and take care of health care workers while treating COVID-19 patients throughout this pandemic.

Doulas: A Strategy to Address Maternal and Infant Health

The U.S. faces a growing health crisis, with maternal health falling alarmingly behind many other developed nations.

Caring for Kids at Home: Gillette Children's Virtual Rehab Program

In this Members in Action podcast, Julia Resnick, director of strategic initiatives at the AHA, and Thomas Harris, Jr., Executive Vice President of Operations at Gillette Children’s in Saint Paul, Minnesota, discuss how Gillette Children’s virtual rehab program has enabled them to better serve their patients.

Addressing the Burden of Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy

In this episode, Shanna Cox, associate director for science in CDC’s Division of Reproductive Health, and Aisha Syeda, senior program manager for AHA’s strategic initiatives, discuss the reasons behind the increase in hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.

Hypertension Control during Pregnancy & Postpartum with Missouri Hospital Assn. & Hannibal Regional

Hypertension while pregnancy or postpartum can increase the risk of other complications that impact the mom and baby.