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371 Results Found


AHA Support of Senate Bill Hospital Inpatient Services Modernization Act of 2024

(AHA) voices support for the Hospital Inpatient Services Modernization Act of 2024 (S.4350) to extend the acute care hospital-at-home (H@H) program for five years.

AHA Statement to Senate Committee on Physician Well-being, Pediatric Emergency Care Acts

AHA statement before the HELP Committee on legislation to be considered at the committee’s executive session on May 23, 2024.

AHA Statement for Senate Finance Committee Hearing on Rural Health Care

AHA statement on policies to ensure rural patients continue to receive access to high-quality care.

AHA Statement to Senate HELP Committee on Workforce Diversity, Maternal Health

AHA Statement to Senate HELP Committee on workforce diversity, maternal health.

Transforming Episode Accountability Model (TEAM) Proposed Rule

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) on April 10 proposed a new mandatory payment model that would bundle payment to acute care hospitals for five types of surgical episodes.

CMS Finalizes Medicaid Access and Payment Fee-for-service Rule

The CMS released April 22 a final rule focused on ensuring access to services for Medicaid beneficiaries in fee-for-service delivery systems in keeping with the Administration’s objectives to improve access for Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) beneficiaries.

AHA Supports Legislation to Continue Hospital-at-home Model

The American Hospital Association comments on the discussion draft of the Hospital Inpatient Services Modernization Act to extend the acute care hospital-at-home program.

Integrating Physical and Behavioral Health: The Time is Now

Unparalleled workforce shortages, negative margins and increasing labor expenses are creating multiple challenges for hospitals and health systems — but integrating physical and behavioral health services can reduce the total cost of care, improve outcomes and improve workforce satisfaction.

Maternal and Child Health

Maternal and child health is a high priority for AHA and its member hospitals and health systems. We are driven to advance health for women and children through partnerships and innovation in the quality, cost and delivery of care. This work is guided by a committee composed of 15 individuals representing health care leadership from some of the country's leading women's and children's health provider organizations and systems.