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118 Results Found

Navigating Patient Risk and Engagement with Genomic Precision

Health systems are increasing patients’ access to genomics for a more preventive and individualized approach to care.

CMS model targets Medicaid access to gene therapies for sickle cell disease

The Cell and Gene Therapy Access Model, which seeks to increase access to treatments for Medicaid enrollees with rare and severe diseases, will initially focus on sickle cell disease, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced.

MLK Community Healthcare | California

As a Metropolitan Anchor Hospital (MAH), MLK Community Healthcare cis guided by the belief that all patients – no matter their insurance status – deserve access to high-quality primary and specialty care services.

UPDATE: Patients identified in 25 states reported at risk of fungal meningitis tied to Mexican health clinics

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is following up on a previous alert of an outbreak of suspected fungal meningitis in Texas, which is now significantly expanded to multiple states.

Task force recommends biennial mammograms starting at 40

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force yesterday released for public comment through June 5 a draft recommendation that all women get screened for breast cancer every other year starting at age 40.

AHA #JustLead podcast: Joining forces to beat back Type 2 diabetes

In the latest podcast in AHA’s Advancing Health podcast series on leading initiatives to transform care and advance equity, leaders from Montage Health and Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare System in California share how the health systems collaborated to reduce Type 2 diabetes in their communities, an initiative AHA recognized with a 2022 Dick Davidson NOVA Award.

CDC confirms vaccine-derived poliovirus circulating in U.S. 

The recent paralytic polio case in an unvaccinated adult in Rockland County, N.Y. and wastewater samples from communities near the patient’s residence meet the World Health Organization’s criteria for circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced yesterday.

CDC confirms monkeypox in U.S. traveler from Nigeria

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed a case of human monkeypox in a U.S. resident who recently traveled from Nigeria to the United States.

How UofU Health Is Benefiting from Intensive Behavioral and Physical Health Care

Like many health systems, University of Utah Health has been focused on the best ways to treat patients with multiple risks that include physical, psychiatric and substance-use disorders. Taking an intensive integrated approach to primary and behavioral health care has enabled the system to improve outcomes and reduce costs.