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876 Results Found

Conrad 30 program is a boon to rural care

The AHA last week called on Congress to pass bipartisan legislation that

Must-do Health Care Priorities for Congress

Today, Washington’s focus – and the media headlines – have begun to shift to matters like tax reform, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, an infrastructure package, and relie

Protect Rural Health

The AHA convened a group of rural hospital leaders in Washington, D.C. to meet with Sens.

Rural Health Priorities in Congress

Today we celebrate National Rural Health Day.

Spread the Word on Rural Health

Tomorrow is National Rural Health Day. There is no better time for the nation’s nearly 2,000 small and rural hospitals to join the AHA in thanking our rural health champions in Congress.

AHA Swiftly Reacts to Protect Rural Health

Rural hospitals are their community’s anchor.