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876 Results Found

House Passes FY 2018 Omnibus Appropriations Bill

The $1.3 trillion bill, released last night after an agreement by congressional leaders and the White House, includes $88.1 billion for Department of Health and Human Services programs, a $10.1 billion increase from fiscal year 2017.

Webinar & Conference Call Series for Small or Rural Hospitals

2017 Webinar and Conference Call Series

Bryan Slaba Receives AHAs Rural Hospital Leadership Award

WASHINGTON, DC (December 18, 2017) – Bryan Slaba, CEO of Wagner Community Memorial Hospital - Avera in Wagner, S.D., is the 2017 recipient of

Antibiotic stewardship resource for small, critical access hospitals available

The Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, in partnership with the AHA, Pew Charitable Trusts and Federal Office of Rural Health Policy, today issued

CDC Issues Report to Congress on Traumatic Brain Injury in Children

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention yesterday released a congressionally-mandated report on the public health burden of traumatic brain injury in children and policy options to support care management for these children.

AHA Rural Conference: Panels on 'Super Utilizers,' Telemedicine

Panelists share transitional care strategies to help those who frequent their emergency departments, as well tips about how telemedicine has empowered them.

Population Health, Opioids Spotlighted at AHA Rural Conference

Panelists discussed proactive, preventative approaches to care aid in population health strategies, and a case study in targeting opioid substance use disorder in communities.

FCC Rural Health Care Program

The Rural Health Care Program of the Universal Service Fund (USF), which is administered by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC), is a support program authorized by Congress and designed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to provide reduced rates to rural health care providers (HCPs) for telecommunications services and Internet access charges related to the use of telemedicine & tele-health.

Short-term CR Unveiled with DSH Cut Elimination, Medicare Extenders

House Republicans late last night introduced a stop-gap spending measure that would extend government funding until March 23, eliminate $5 billion in scheduled Medicaid disproportionate share hospital cuts for fiscal years 2018 and 2019, and extend several Medicare payment adjustments that support access in rural communities.