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876 Results Found

Sen. Susan Collins Receives AHA Honorary Life Membership Award

Watch the video Sen. Susan M.

Senators Urge FCC to Raise Funding Cap for Rural Telemedicine

Thirty-one senators today urged the Federal Communications Commission to “sufficiently increase” the funding cap for the Rural Health Care Program, which helps rural patients access care through telehealth and broadband services.

FCC Chair Expresses Support for Increasing Rural Telehealth Program

The Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government today held a hearing on the Federal Communications Commission’s and Federal Trade Commission’s budget request for fiscal year 2019.

Perspective: Transforming to Better Serve Communities

Health care is changing as the march from volume to value moves forward. And hospitals and health systems are redefining the “H” to meet the demands of the moment, and of the future, in a way that is even more responsive to our patients and communities.

Bill Would Designate Medicare Rural Emergency Medical Centers

Reps. Lynn Jenkins (R-KS), Ron Kind (D-WI) and Terri Sewell (D-AL) today introduced AHA-supported legislation that would create a new Medicare facility designation to help rural communities maintain access to essential emergency and outpatient services for patients.

CMS Releases Rural Health Strategy

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today released the agency’s strategy to promote high-quality health care for all rural Americans, address the unique economics of providing rural health care, and bring a rural focus to CMS health care delivery and payment reforms.

May 29 Deadline for Hospitals to Apply for Low-volume Adjustment Approaching

The Bipartisan Budget Act retroactively extended the enhanced low-volume payment adjustment, which provides an add-on payment to qualifying low-volume hospitals to help improve access to care in rural areas.

AHA Urges FCC to Fully Fund Rural Health Care Program

AHA today urged the Federal Communications Commission to reverse the “large and unexpected” funding cuts to Rural Health Care program participants in fiscal year 2017 and permanently adjust the program’s funding cap to prevent similar cuts in the future.

FCC Chair Discusses Rural Telehealth Program at Budget Hearing

AHA this week urged the agency to reverse the FY 2017 cuts and permanently adjust the program’s funding cap to prevent similar cuts in the future.

AHA Rural Health Care Leadership Conference

The AHA Rural Health Care Leadership Conference brings together top thinkers in the field, and offers you proven strategies for accelerating performance excellence and improving the sustainability