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880 Results Found


AHA Special Bulletin: Congress Passes Short-term Spending Bill with Hospital Priorities

Congress Feb. 9 passed a budget bill containing a number of provisions important to hospitals and health systems.

The Value Initiative AHA Members In Action: Illinois Rural Community Care Organization

The Illinois Rural Community Care Organization builds the structure necessary for rural providers to be successful ACOs.

May 25, 2016 The Safe Passage Initiative: Hospitals & Health Systems Impacting the Opiate Crisis Webinar Audio

KSB Hospital and the Dixon Police Department partnered with treatment centers in and outside of Illinois to coordinate care and treatment for participants.

May 25, 2016 The Safe Passage Initiative: Hospitals & Health Systems Impacting the Opiate Crisis Webinar

KSB Hospital and the Dixon Police Department partnered with treatment centers in and outside of Illinois to coordinate care and treatment for participants.

April 27, 2016 CMS Regional Budget Concept Payment Webinar

April 27, 2016 CMS Regional Budget Concept Payment webinar presentation.

AHA Value Initiative Members In Action: Northern Maine Medical Center – Fort Kent, Maine

Northern Maine Medical Center – Fort Kent, Maine Purchase of Retail Pharmacy Enhances Services to the Community

AHA Statement on Health Care in Rural America: Examining Experiences and Costs

The AHA appreciates the opportunity to provide input regarding action Congress can take to maintain access to quality, affordable health care in rural communities.

FCC Comments on Promoting Telehealth for Low-income Consumers

The American Hospital Association submits comments on how the Federal Communications Commission can encourage health care provider participation in its Connected Care Pilot Program.