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7923 Results Found

AHE Exchange Conference for Hospital EVS Leaders and Professionals

Exchange24 AHE Education & Solution Center is the best event for health care environmental services leaders. Learn and network with other hospital EVS professionals at this event happening July 22 - 24 in Phoenix!

Community partners can co-design Black maternal care

Hospitals can co-design maternity care with community partners to improve Black maternal health outcomes proactively and collaboratively, according to an American Hospital Association blog.

ASHRM Conference Social Media Toolkit

ASHRM Annual Conference & Solution Center is the premier event in health care risk management.

American Hospital Association Homepage | Hospitals USA

Issue Landing Page
Hospitals USA. The American Hospital Association (AHA) is the national organization that represents and serves all types of hospitals, health care networks, and their patients and communities. Nearly 5,000 hospitals, health care systems, networks, other providers of care and 43,000 individual members come together to form the AHA.

Mistreatment during delivery can cause lasting trauma

An often-silent contributor to adverse maternal mental health in the U.S. is the mistreatment of women during pregnancy and delivery by health care workers.

Virtual nursing used in care coordination

Mount Sinai Health System wants to expand its virtual nursing program platform to include other hospital departments to streamline care coordination.

AONL CEO Begley to Retire

AONL CEO Robyn Begley, DNP, RN, will retire at the end of the year.

Webinars | Team Training | Center

AHA Team Training regularly hosts no-cost webinars, featuring TeamSTEPPS and other team training, leadership and communication related topics.

Courses and Workshops | Team Training | Center

AHA Team Training offers a variety of educational opportunities to best fit your needs. Our courses and workshops, like theTeamSTEPPS Master Training course, are taught by our interprofessional faculty and experts from the field.

Enhancing Collaboration: Leveraging TeamSTEPPS for Non-Clinical Success July 10

This webinar introduces TeamSTEPPS concepts and tools to enhance teamwork, communication and leadership from a non-clinical perspective. Learn how to make meetings more meaningful and empower all team members to voice their concerns confidently. You will walk away with facilitation strategies to teach TeamSTEPPS tools non-clinically, while also exploring innovative ways to integrate TeamSTEPPS beyond direct patient care.