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680 Results Found

Telling the Hospital Story

Hospitals and health systems and their teams have been on the front lines battling the COVID-19 pandemic for nearly two years. Hospitals and health care workers have stood strong for their communities, and they have a vital role in our society to keep communities healthy.

AHA Statement: Legislative Proposals To Increase Medicaid Access And Improve Program Integrity

On behalf of our nearly 5,000 member hospitals, health systems and other health care organizations, our clinician partners — including

AHA Advocacy Agenda 2024

Explore the AHA's 2024 Advocacy Agenda focusing on healthcare policy and advocacy priorities. Download the PDF for detailed information.

AHA Letter to Senate Subcommittee Leadership on Appropriations Priorities for FY 2025

AHA Senate letter regarding funding for health care programs for fiscal year (FY) 2025.

AHA Letter to House Subcommittee Leadership on Appropriations Priorities for FY 2025

AHA letter to the House leadership on funding for health care programs for fiscal year (FY) 2025.

Fact Sheet: Majority of Hospital Payments Dependent on Medicare or Medicaid

It is broadly acknowledged that Medicare reimburses hospitals less than the cost of providing care and their reimbursement rates are non-negotiable.

HRSA Finalizes 340B Administrative Dispute Resolution Process

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) April 19 published the 340B Administrative Dispute Resolution (ADR) final rule establishing a process that was required under the Affordable Care Act.

CMS Finalizes Medicaid Access and Payment Managed Care Rule

The CMS released April 22 a final rule focused on ensuring access to services for Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) beneficiaries in managed care delivery systems.

CMS Finalizes Medicaid Access and Payment Fee-for-service Rule

The CMS released April 22 a final rule focused on ensuring access to services for Medicaid beneficiaries in fee-for-service delivery systems in keeping with the Administration’s objectives to improve access for Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) beneficiaries.

Integrating Physical and Behavioral Health: The Time is Now

Unparalleled workforce shortages, negative margins and increasing labor expenses are creating multiple challenges for hospitals and health systems — but integrating physical and behavioral health services can reduce the total cost of care, improve outcomes and improve workforce satisfaction.