Trustee Articles

Hospital governing boards can take steps to ensure the digital boardroom is productive and enjoyable.
Addressing misconceptions that stymie efforts to recruit for greater board diversity.
Carolyn F. Scanlan, vice chair of Penn Medicine Lancaster (Pa.) General Health, discusses how governing boards can best address some of the challenges ahead in 2021.
Following key strategies for effective CEO performance appraisals are essential to the health care board’s role.
Hospital boards can think creatively about how to generate value for their patients and communities.
Engaging and retaining nursing staff can help drive organizational performance, including improving patient safety, satisfaction and outcomes.
Engaging and retaining nursing staff can help drive organizational performance, including improving patient safety, satisfaction and outcomes.
With careful assessment, health care boards may consider a return to the board room in 2021.
Focusing on specific strategies and practices will support diverse recruitment on health care boards.
Continued disruption will require health care boards to adapt their governance models to adapt to the unprecedented times.