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64 Results Found

7 Tips for Successful Online Board Meetings

Hospital governing boards can take steps to ensure the digital boardroom is productive and enjoyable.

Artificial Intelligence - The Next Revolution in Information Technology

Trustee Articles
Boards need to understand artificial intelligence to evaluate its evolving benefits and risks.

Three Breakthroughs in Clinical Technology

Snapshot Trustee's partnership with ECRI Institute continues with this overview of three breakthroughs in clinical technology that have the potential to improve, lengthen and save lives.

Hospitals use technology to improve emergency room performance

Hospitals are making greater use of new technologies to improve emergency department throughput.

Advancing Rural Telehealth and Addressing Its Challenges

Engaging and retaining nursing staff can help drive organizational performance, including improving patient safety, satisfaction and outcomes.

The Socially Distant Board Room: Maximizing Virtual Governance

In a time when strong leadership is paramount, health care boards must be intentional and creative to stay informed and engaged, while adopting virtual meeting platforms and adapting practices to maintain effective governance.

Health Care Investment Trends: A GE Ventures Perspective

White Papers
By Lee Ann Jarousse, Senior Editor, H&HN

IT Dilemmas of the Newly Merged

Snapshot One of the first decisions that merging organizations must make is what to do with legacy information systems, and the answer isn’t always obvious.